Finding a new apartment is not easy, because my previous landlord raised my studio type room rental fees two times in just a span of one year. To make story short, I rented near my place so I can transfer all my things easily, well…not easy because my new room is in 3rd floor and the building doesn’t have an elevator.

To make matter worst, got hospitalized for my uncontrolled blood pressure two months ago, so I spent days resting and taking medications. Now, I feel better and apart from my work, I have time for my usual activity–painting. First, I searched on ebay for a cheap watercolor as my startup, and the known brands like Daniel Smith, Winsor and Newton are so expensive, and is a no-no for me (if I earn enough, I’ll buy). Then, i find this brand…a chinese product ‘Meiliang watercolor paint set with 36 colors.’ I got this yesterday, and test drive to see :D.

My reference for this sample image belongs to my favorite painter, ‘Vicente Manansala.’ Every artist have an inspiration for their creativity. Anyway, I’m testing this paint set if the colors will hold, and hopefully the insects will not eat this.